William Haines

So while perusing a copy of Architectural Digest circa March '06, I came across Carole Lombard's residence in Hollywood Hills.  What got to me about the article was not Ms. Lombard herself, but her interior designer who was a fellow actor, William Haines.  I ended up going online and then spending another hour or so reading up on William Haines and feels that he has some really awesome nuggets of gold (and knowledge).

So be sure to visit www.williamhaines.com!


So while cruising the web today, I came across a blog called Remodelista.  I'm generally opposed to things that end with "ista," for example: Fashionista.

However the blog is really super organized and I love how it has a Shop section as well!

It also possesses a wonderful directory of architects, interior designers, landscape architects, and lighting designers.  What makes this site even more wonderful is that the directory goes even further by breaking things down by geographic regions and areas of practice!

I definitely recommend you check it out!